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Wanna join our Debt Collection team in Timişoara?

A few words about us…

 LINK group has gathered over 17 years of international experience and currently is one of the leading companies in the educational services industry, being present in Romania for more than 5 years. We are committed to train students throughout the country and abroad, helping them acquire Business and IT skills and thus fulfilling their professional ambitions.

We are looking for

·         - A current student or fresh graduate from an university study program, preferably from a field of study such as Law or Finance;

·        -  A person with good communication, negotiation, resistance to stress and problem solving skills;

·         - Someone who has previously worked in a job involving Debt Collection or Customer Retention;

·         - An intermediate English language speaker.

You will

·         - Communicate via phone and mail with customers who hold arrears for contracted educational services;

·       -   Apply legal knowledge to discuss existing contractual terms and obligations;

·         - Negotiate the amount paid, discuss payment methods and register payment commitments;

·         - Prepare reports to monitor collection revenues and maintain contact with our International Debt Collection Team Leader.

The position is available

·         - Full-time (8 hours/day in two shifts during the week and one every second Saturday). You will work from our branch in Timişoara and will have a two-week training period provided by our colleagues in Belgrade.

In order to apply...

 -  Send us your resume in English to the e-mail address, mentioning the position Debt Collection Officer in the subject line.